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What the ‘S’ means in ‘ESG’ for procurement moving into 2025

26 Jun 2024
The Critical Priorities for 2025 room

The Social in ESG has been trailing behind while businesses have been tackling the environmental impact of their organisation. Yet recent legislation has brought the Social impact of businesses to the fore, and procurement teams play a critical role in this. What does the ‘S’ mean for procurement and the supply chain? Why is it becoming ever more urgent to address it? And what does best practice look like in doing so? This session will delve into the world of ‘S’, as you’ll learn from a subject matter expert on how businesses across sectors are applying a Social lens to step up their procurement game – from supplier diversity and sourcing, to vendor due diligence and management. 

Supported by Sedex.

Charlotte Kincaid, Senior Consultant - Sedex
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