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Anthony 'Tas' Tasgal

Anthony 'Tas' Tasgal

Trainer, Author & Speaker, POV Marketing & Research

Tas is a man of many lanyards: trainer, author, TEDx speaker, brand/comms strategist and lecturer. He is a Course Director for the Chartered Institute of Marketing, the Market Research Society, the Institute of Internal Communications, the Civil Service College and the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply. 

Having done his first TEDx talk in November 2023, he specialises in storytelling, behavioural economics, insightment, and runs The Guardian masterclass on “Harnessing the power of storytelling”. He is the author of five books, including the award-winning The Storytelling Book, with a sixth book, The Consumer Behaviour Book, out in June 2024. 


Catch up on everything you missed at the CIPS Futures Conference

Missed CIPS Futures in London? We’ve got you covered!

The on-demand videos of the sessions are now available to watch exclusively on CIPS Download!

To make things easy for you, we’ve created four playlists – each covering key agenda themes, so that you can access the content stream you want:

  • ESG
  • Geopolitics & Risk
  • Leadership & Influence
  • Technology 


Playlists are only £30 each or £99 for 15+ hours of content!