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Guy Strafford

Guy Strafford

Chairman, Corporate Growth Advisors

Guy helped build Proxima to be one of the largest procurement consultancies before selling to Bain & Co. He now acts as chair to three organisations, as well as helping Better Start to improve life outcomes for early years children. Those he chairs are: 

  • Carbon emissions reporting specialist – Carbon Quota, where he has raised institutional money to reinvent the tracking of scope 3 carbon emissions down to individual invoice level, working with some of the world’s best companies from P&G to Conde Nast. 

  • Food digital marketplace –, where he led angel funding to help chefs cook from home/dark kitchens to deliver authentic meals to companies and individuals across the UK. The business is unlocking the talents of a diverse range of small businesses. 

  • Medical device AI business – Argos Cognitive, improving FDA approved data analytics coming out of medical devices for cardiological and Autism diagnosis, using AI. 


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